Slide 65: Intercellular Semiosis: Microfunctions

So here we get just two microfunctions, which, privileging modulation over modalisation, we will call the regulatory and the instrumental, since the field of developmental biology construes such processes in terms of gene regulation.  So:
the regulatory (subsuming interactional) microfunction is concerned with the “me-&-you” domain of instances of the same genome and
the instrumental (subsuming personal) microfunction is concerned with the domain of everything else, including instances of a parent’s genome.

So you can see that, just as sociality emerges through the differentiation of cultural contexts by the probabilistic instantiation of microfunctional meanings in interactions between social animals, so multicellularity emerges through the differentiation of somatic (body) contexts by the probabilistic instantiation of microfunctional meanings in interactions between cells of the same genome.