Slide 29: From Identifier To Phenomenon

More specifically:
the valeur of the Agent changes from Identifier of an encoding identifying process to the Phenomenon of an impinging sensing process; and
the valeur of the Range changes from Identifier of a decoding identifying process to the Phenomenon of an emanating sensing process.

Note that valeur of ‘perceptual categorisation’ varies according to whether it is construed as the Value assigned to a material impact or a Phenomenon (emanating) that is sensed.

And perhaps it’s of philosophical interest that, on this model:
the Agent of a Senser’ perceiving — its external cause — is the exterior material impact on sensory sheets, as of photons on the retina, whereas
the Range of a Senser’s perceiving — the domain delimiting its boundary — is the interior perceptual categorisation realised in neuronal groups.

OK, so up to this point, we’ve modelled semiosis in the body: from identifying to sensing.  Now we turn to a consideration of the external manifestations of these internal processes.